Previous work
All titanium pipe tomahawk with nickel inlays.
52100 steel pipe tomahawk head with 1863 penny insert and all titanium furniture.
L-6 steel pipe tomahawk with 1863 penny insert and all titanium furniture.
All titanium pipe tomahawk with 1909D $5. Gold Indian head coin.
Large bowie knife forged from 52100. Titanium guard, pommel and retainer, handled with Sambar stag.
Large dagger forged from 52100. All titanium furniture. Leather scabbard.
Everyone of my pipe tomahawks comes with it's own fitted case for discreet transportation or storage.
All titanium pipe tomahawk with Gabon ebony and carved and burned sugar maple haft.
Forged titanium pipe tomahawks with castle turret, crosses and diamonds.